Thankful for Our Animal Friends!


Each and every day, our pets provide us with companionship and unconditional love for which we can be most thankful. As we gather with family and friends this holiday season, tables filled with food and hearts full of love, it’s tempting to allow our pets to enjoy Thanksgiving feast leftovers. Be sure to read these important tips about ways to keep your pets safe, healthy, and happy this Thanksgiving:

Some highlights from the ASPCA Thanksgiving Safety Tips list include:

  • be sure only to offer boneless, well-cooked turkey bits to your pets
  • don’t allow your pet to eat raw bread dough
  • feeding your pet too much table food can cause intestinal troubles

North Shore Animal League America shares these bits of advice for pet owners:

  • avoid feeding pets fatty foods
  • onions can be harmful to the circulatory systems of dogs and cats
  • ensure your pets continue to get regular exercise throughout the busy holiday season!
  • cats and dogs should not eat grapes or raisins
  • make sure your pets have a safe retreat to relax when the house is filled with family members and the bustle of holiday activities

Animal Planet recommends these top 5 Thanksgiving treats for pets:

  1. Fruits & veggies
  2. Bones (made for dogs) and chews
  3. Skinless, boneless, well-cooked turkey
  4. Biscuits and pet treats
  5. Toys

Finally, read the recommendations shared from Pet MD regarding sharing Thanksgiving leftovers with your pets.

What are you and your pets thankful for this holiday season?

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