Helping Heroes

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Helping Heroes Month


The Petco Foundation has partnered with the Natural Balance pet foods company to honor the heroic animals that serve the human race. Service and military animals help protect us, bring us comfort in times of need, help provide therapy, and serve skillfully to offer assistance in many capacities. Petco describes more about the special roles these animals play on their Helping Heroes website:

The 1900’s brought more dogs into traditional service dog roles and also added new tasks for our benevolent friends. Dogs have followed us into battle since the Roman Empire but 9/11 highlighted service dogs who recovered people trapped and injured and required the largest deployment of dogs in U.S. history. On a different landscape, dogs are trained to perform skills to assist the homeless, jobless, disabled, disparate, isolated and ignored. Because dogs possess a keen sense of our needs and a pure and sincere devotion to help, they became instrumental in innovative and successful therapy programs. They transform lives by opening doors, ringing doorbells, sensing seizures, providing companionship and winning independence for their beloved master. There is no living creature on this earth that has earned our respect and awe more that the dog.


And in the new millennium dogs have company. The practice of using a dog’s intelligence and unconditional love to enhance the lives of individuals has expanded to companion animals of every size and shape. Fluffy rabbits with big ears listen when children who are victims of abuse or violence feel safe telling their story to no human. Pot bellied pigs restore the confidence of returning soldiers suffering with post traumatic stress disorder. Cats encourage verbal engagement in speech therapy for autistic children with the best explanation being provided by a young boy; “Cats have autism too so they understand us.”

From September 28 through October 20, you can make a donation to the Helping Heroes campaign directly at your local Petco store registers. Additionally, proceeds from every purchase of National Balance Legume or Duck food will be given directly to the Helping Heroes campaign.

Please join Brave Tide in helping to spread the word about this important campaign and efforts to raise awareness and funds to support our most heroic animal friends!

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